e·qui·lat·er·al (ē'kwə-lăt'ər-əl, ĕk'wə-) adj. Having all sides or faces equal.n. A side exactly equal to others. A geometric figure having all sides equal.equilaterally e'qui·lat'er·al·ly adv.
A fangirl mom-of-three trying to balance her love of family, books, baking and nail polish while spending most of her hours waiting for the kids in the pull-through lane at school.
We started Cub Scouts in 2nd grade. He technically could've started in 1st, but we were still new to our area. It's been an awesome experience and one I hope he will continue to love and enjoy.
Great post... love the Shakespeare theme!
How old was your son when he started Scouts? I think that's awesome and hope my two boys want to do it. Happy POW!
We started Cub Scouts in 2nd grade. He technically could've started in 1st, but we were still new to our area. It's been an awesome experience and one I hope he will continue to love and enjoy.
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