e·qui·lat·er·al (ē'kwə-lăt'ər-əl, ĕk'wə-) adj. Having all sides or faces equal.n. A side exactly equal to others. A geometric figure having all sides equal.equilaterally e'qui·lat'er·al·ly adv.
A fangirl mom-of-three trying to balance her love of family, books, baking and nail polish while spending most of her hours waiting for the kids in the pull-through lane at school.
When you're an Altar Boy in an Eastern Orthodox church, you get to pass out hundreds of dyed eggs on Easter Sunday. Hundreds. Did I mention that they're all dyed red??
Yes, it does come off, eventually. Love our traditions and how they're passed on down to new generations. Take a moment to think of your favorite family traditions. It's worth observing them, isn't it??
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